Saturday, January 26, 2013

Row V. Wade In Danger

Shout out to NPR for covering these new laws targeting women. In several states like Texas women must undergo an ultrasound and a lengthy waiting period in a desperate attempt to get them to change their mind.

In so many conservative states like Texas getting an abortion is no easy task, clinics are often in remote locations where women have to travel at great lengths to get an abortion. Now after traveling great lengths she has to endure this attempt to play at her heart strings and shame her into making the "right choice."

All things aside, if someone opposes abortion they are not pro life they are anti choice.  Clinics like this are so dangerous because they sugar coat the reality of the life as a single parent. While the father is legally required to pay child support, actually getting him to pay is difficult.  A woman's right to choose when she is ready to become a mother is the most important right a woman has since that is a choice that will effect so many aspects of her life.

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